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82nd Anniversary Messages of Recognition to the 100th Infantry Battalion

The 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans (Club 100) was honored to receive a special message from Governor Josh Green, M.D., along with a Resolution written by Representative Adrian Tam, and passed by the Hawai‘i State Legislature. The message and resolution were shared at our 82nd Anniversary Banquet, held on June 29, 2024 at the 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans (Club 100) Clubhouse in Honolulu. They are also displayed in the Clubhouse for visitors to view.

The special message from Governor Josh Green, M.D. reads as follows. 

“It is my distinct privilege to acknowledge and celebrate the 82nd Anniversary of the 100th Infantry Battalion. This significant milestone offers a chance to reflect on the remarkable history of this esteemed battalion and to honor the valiant individuals who have served and continue to serve our nation with distinction.

Since its establishment in 1942, the 100th Infantry Battalion has embodied the essence of resilience, courage, and altruism. Formed during the challenging times faced by Japanese Americans in World War II, the battalion rapidly emerged as a symbol of steadfast loyalty and commitment. The men of the 100th Infantry Battalion spent 20 months in Europe, participating in six campaigns throughout Italy and France, responded heroically to the Pearl Harbor attack — a response that will forever be honored and remembered.

Off the battlefield, the 100th Infantry Battalion stood as a beacon of unity, perseverance, and the triumph of the human spirit over adversity. Their legacy is marked by their unwavering determination in the face of discrimination and prejudice.

In 1945, veterans of the 100th Infantry Battalion established Club 100 to carry forward their courageous legacy and to champion community service, patriotism, and social welfare. Their initiative, Legacy2Action, upholds these principles and aims to support and inspire young leaders to tackle the issues affecting our State and nation.

On behalf of the State of Hawaii, I am deeply honored to recognize the 100th Infantry Battalion and celebrate their legacy on their 82nd anniversary. I offer my heartfelt mahalo to Club 100 for their ongoing efforts to uphold the values their forebearers fought for and for their continued contributions to our community.”

Special Message from Governor Josh Green, M.D. in recognition of the 100th Infantry Battalion 82nd Anniversary
Special Message from Governor Josh Green, M.D.

The certificate presented by the Hawai‘i State Legislature to the 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans on its 82nd Anniversary states the following.

“WHEREAS the 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans organization, established in December 1945 under the name “Club 100,” was formed by World War Il veterans of the 100th Infantry Battalion (Separate), a unit comprised almost entirely of Hawaii-born Americans of Japanese ancestry; and 

WHEREAS these veterans overcame suspicion and prejudice, proving their patriotism through their exceptional combat record, and earned the moniker “The Purple Heart Battalion” due to their high rate of casualties; and 

WHEREAS the 100th Infantry Battalion was the first U.S. Army unit comprised of Nisei (second-generation Japanese Americans), demonstrating extraordinary bravery and loyalty in the face of adversity; and 

WHEREAS the 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans organization has been dedicated to preserving the legacy and history of the battalion through educational programs, community events, and the preservation of historical artifacts; and 

WHEREAS the organization fosters a spirit of camaraderie and support among its members, providing a network of assistance and fellowship for veterans and their families; and 

WHEREAS the 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans organization has played a significant role in promoting cultural understanding and bridging gaps between different communities in Hawaii; and 

WHEREAS the members of the 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans organization diligently work towards carrying out their objectives, promoting unity among people, and advancing the social welfare of all throughout the state; 

WHEREAS, the 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans organization held an anniversary Banquet at their Club House in Honolulu, Hawaii on June 29, 2024 to commemorate the 82nd anniversary of their organization’s founding: now, therefore, 

The Thirty-Second Legislature of the State of Hawaii hereby recognizes the 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans organization and its tremendous contributions past and present to the State of Hawaii.”

Certificate from the Hawai‘i State Legislature in recognition of the 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans.
Certificate from the Hawai‘i State Legislature.

We are very appreciative of these congratulatory messages, and thank Governor Josh Green, M.D., as well as Representative Adrian Tam and the Hawai‘i State Legislature, for this recognition of the 100th Infantry Battalion and their support of the 100th Infantry Battalion Veterans (Club 100) organization.


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